Monday 31 July 2023

Thwarted by the rain

The SW wind continues, but not quite so fresh. Overcast all day with spells of heavy rain. 

South shore (MD)
Two checks, one towards high water to check the gull roost, a second in the afternoon to watch the beach by the wooden jetty become exposed. Both coincided with heavy rain! The period in between remained dry.
Little Egret 5
Wheatear 1 juvenile, again near the saltmarsh slipway
Linnet 6
Rock Pipit 4 - 1 on Red Nab and 3 on foreshore 
Whimbrel 1 at least
Curlew and Oystercatcher plentiful 
Redshank c30
There was at least 200 gulls roosting on Red Nab, but the rain was driving into the only direction they could be viewed from. I managed to identify 5 Meds before giving it up as hopeless!

I got to the beach by the wooden jetty in plenty of time to watch it become exposed today, but again it was raining, and for whatever reason not many meds turned up today.
Mediterranean gulls 7 - there had been a juvenile on No.1 outflow and two landed on the beach, only 5 adults arrived to feed.
The gulls clearly understand the behaviour of Sandmason worms better than I do. The few that turned up today were struggling to catch any. This is a juvenile and two adults running around in fruitless circles.

Once again the rain was easing as I was returning from the sea wall, so I decided to call in at Middleton Nature Reserve on the way home.
Mute Swan pair plus 8 cygnets, all together on the main pond.
The Mute family

Mallard 18
Gadwall 4 - 1 on the "no swimming" pond and 3 on the main pond
Shoveler 2 on the main pond. The background racket is a combination of the cygnets begging for food, a helicopter and my noisy camera.
Tufted Duck 1 - the odd looking female was back 

(see post 25/07)

Coot 4 adult 2 young
Moorhen 2

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