Monday 28 August 2023

A bit frustrating

A fresh NW wind. Dry with the odd sunny spell.

South shore towards high water 09:40 (MD)
There were lots of waders on the waterline as I was walking out on the shore:
Bar-Tailed Godwit 10
Grey Plover 240+
Knot 500+
Dunlin 650+
Unfortunately before I could get close enough for a good look something lifted all the waders and gulls. Whatever it was I couldn't see it! Everything landed again, quite quickly. Most of the waders further south towards Potts. 
A few remained in the recording area. These are Grey Plover, Knot and Dunlin retreating from the rising tide. The brown blobs are just natural spume, formed when the waves break (the white of "white horses"), as they are blown over the mud, they pick up particles and become mud coloured.
Other waders:
Curlew c150
Oystercatcher c200
Redshank c130 most on Red Nab
Turnstone 4 Red Nab
Ringed plover 16 between waterline and saltmarsh 
The Ringed Plovers didn't move when everything else was flushed

Sandwich Tern 3 at least. 2 were seen on the shore and later 3 came in to rest on Red Nab
Wheatear 1 on foreshore 
Rock Pipit 4 - 2 on foreshore and 2 on Red Nab
Grey Wagtail 1 on Red Nab

Middleton Nature Reserve (JP)
Janet gave the Pheasants their daily exercise.

Heysham Skear - low water 16:40 (MD)
Eider 2 female/immature 
Little Egret 5
Oystercatcher c300
Curlew c100
Redshank c120
Turnstone c30
Knot c100
Ringed Plover 2
Once again, everything, including the gulls was lifted, and once again I failed to locate the culprit (hence the frustration).
Oystercatcher and Knot spooked by something 

This clip shows some of the feeding activity on the rising tide. Most of these are after shrimps. Little Egret, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Knot and a Black-Headed gull.

I like this clip of Knot. Mainly as it begins with one pushing an Oystercatcher out of the way. The Knot that was behind the Oystercatcher finds an invertebrate to eat.

Redshank and Knot

Juvenile Knot

Sand Martin 2 flying into the wind to the NW

Postscript from Pete
Osprey hanging about south of Ocean Edge sat on post - visible on full zoom from Cockersands 

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