Saturday 16 September 2023

Nothing different today

A cold NE light wind. Dry with plenty of sunshine.

South shore
Pete managed a quick check early on
Mediterranean gull 11 in a quick sweep. No rings seen.
34 ringed plover, 5 Dunlin inshore off OE saltmarsh

Janet had a walk along the wall
Red Admiral 2 in off the sea at Red Nab.
Loads of gulls feeding on both outflows again.
Goldfinch 20+ on Red Nab.
This Robin on Red Nab was not in the least bothered that I was quite near.
A nice sequence of a Little Egret fishing.

Then fighting over fishing rights!

Young Herring Gull having a foam bath

Rabbit, hopping it!

Comma in the Nature Park. Also Red Admiral and Common Darters

I walked the shore between the saltmarsh and Potts for a couple of hours but couldn't relocate yesterday's white rumped wader (MD). The closest I got was this mixed group of waders resting in a drain close to where yesterday's bird flew from. The Larger Grey Plover were easily seen but a number of the smaller waders remained hidden.

Unfortunately, before I could get a closer look another small group of Grey Plover, Knot and Dunlin flew to join them, but just managed to spook them all into leaving!
Flying birds, left to right. Grey Plover, Knot and Dunlin
I say, unfortunately, but there was nothing lost, I managed a quick check of the birds as they flew off, the only white rumps were the Grey Plover 20. The others were just Knot and Dunlin.
Grey Plover with Blackpool Tower in the distance 

There were three other inshore feeding groups of Ringed Plover within the recording area. 66 birds in total, but nothing more than Dunlin with them.
Bar-Tailed Godwit 1
Lapwing 16 on the saltmarsh 

Shelduck 124
Some of the Shelduck 

Swallow 1 north into the wind

Along the foreshore 
Wheatear 11 + 2 along the sea wall - ref David Kaye
Again some of the Wheatear were the larger birds

Meadow Pipit 2 grounded
Rock Pipit 2
Robin 1

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