Wednesday 18 October 2023

Jack Snipe return

A very strong east wind, mainly overcast, but dry.

First a couple of shots by Howard from the Heliport yesterday.
Juvenile Great Crested Grebe

Knot coming into land on the old heliport wall

South shore today (KE, JP, MD) - mid afternoon 
Wigeon 28 on saltmarsh 
Eider 1 female on Red Nab

Rock Pipits 4 - lighthouse, Red Nab 2 and saltmarsh
Linnet 82 saltmarsh 
Common Snipe 3 
Jack Snipe 1 - flushed from saltmarsh edge but flew off south. They normally land again on another part of the saltmarsh or head east to Middleton - anyway, it marks the beginning of the traditional winter sport of trying to get a recognisable shot of one! It didn't happen today.
Despite the very strong offshore wind, the sea was very flat, it was choppier in the harbour!
The east wind hasn't had chance to develop the waves and also flattens any rollers coming in.
There was a bit of sunshine at this time and between us we accounted for:
Red Admiral 10 coming in off.
Silver Y 1.
The sea wall up to No.2 outflow was like a wind tunnel, but the stretch beyond was more sheltered and many insects ware stopping for a rest.

Red Admirals, not obvious from this angle

Wasp mimicking Hoverfly

Bee mimicking Hoverfly

This is a female Pimpla rufipes, a parasitic wasp. Its antennae blowing in the wind reminded me of Bobby Charlton in his football playing days.

Heysham Nature Reserve (JP)

A more relaxed Red Admiral out of the wind

Aged female Common Darter

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