Monday 2 October 2023

Unlucky for some.....13

A light SE breeze. Overcast but mild, the rain held off till early afternoon.

Black Terns 0 - the first record was two weeks ago, and an almost constant presence on the outflows ever since. Today would have been day fourteen, but there have been no records of any local sightings today. A number of visiting birders were unlucky, but pragmatic, there is always something to see here.

This report from Josh Hedley:
A few notes from Heysham NR and the Power Station Outfalls 09:30-11:30 today

Pink-footed Goose- 260 south
Bar-tailed Godwit- 1 between the outfalls
Swallow- 12 south at 10:30
Wheatear- 1 by the lighthouse

Meadow Pipit- 4 south
Chaffinch- 3 south
Siskin- 1 south
Goldcrest- 2 along dog walking track
Great Black Backed Gull N:0G8 at the harbour (reported to the North West England gull project).
Ringed in Walney 6/07/21. It has been seen at Heysham on 4 previous occasions,
Now seen in each of its three winter periods. Last record was 13/01/23

This is what it looked like in January this year.

I did a morning check of the sea wall and foreshore (MD)
These are the records that definitely do not overlap with Josh's report.
Shelduck 114 - these are some this morning having a drink and a wash in the freshwater runoff near Red Nab.

Rock Pipits 3
Meadow Pipit 36 east in small groups
Skylark 15 south in 2s and 3s.
Chaffinch 18 stopped briefly on Ocean Edge grass before continuing SE
Pied/White Wagtail 6
Robin 7 along foreshore and Red Nab - at least 3 more than usual 

Linnet 48 feeding on the small pink flowers on Ocean Edge grass - ref Jean

Ringed Plover and Turnstone 
This shot actually from Saturday when Jeff Gorse checked on the Black Terns

Pink-Footed geese were flying high to the south all around the recording area,
but it's difficult eliminating overlap. This shot from Janet from Knowlys Rd

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