Monday 20 November 2023

Brent numbers still increasing, but only slowly.

A west to NW wind of varying strengths, but never very strong. A dry day after an overnight shower.

Pale-bellied Brent geese 19 - seen on the foreshore out from Knowlys Rd by David Kaye. Then later in the afternoon all 19 were on Red Nab (Shaun)

Also from Shaun:
Heysham Harbour 13:30-15:00 : 
Little Gull 2 - 1adult on No 2 and 1st cy behind Steam Packet ferry. 
Pink-footed Goose 64 across the bay from Barrow towards Pilling. 
Shelduck 121 
Wigeon 213. 
Rock Pipit pair.
Coal Tits at least 5 taking advantage of the regular visitor feeding stations by the car parking area (along with 5 Brown Rats and 3 Grey Squirrels)

The adult Little gull on No.2 outflow was alternating between feeding and resting on the mud. This is a clip of it feeding.

Adult Little gull resting between feeding sessions.
Great Spotted Woodpecker calling in Nature Park

I said shortly after the Redshank started returning from their breeding grounds, that they will barely get another mention. And so it has proved to be. Because they are ubiquitous they are often ignored. Shame really as they are an attractive bird, and they are missed when they are not around. These are some nice group shots from the other day, from Janet:

No.1 outflow is a favoured roost

And some plumage detail from Edward Wilkinson:

Winter plumaged Redshank 

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