Friday 10 November 2023

Little Gull and Arctic Tern still around, but not so easy today

A very light SE breeze in the morning switched to a slightly fresher NW in the afternoon. Sunshine all day.

South shore 
I just walked to No.2 outflow at high water in the morning (MD)
Reed Bunting 2 on saltmarsh 
Reed Bunting 

Rock Pipits 4 - 2 on the foreshore in the morning plus 2 near lighthouse in the afternoon.
Wigeon 85 around Red Nab
There was nothing feeding on No.2 outflow at high water but on my way back....
Arctic Tern 1 juvenile flew from Red Nab towards the outflow.

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 male in the Nature Park. Not showing very clearly, but you can just make out his red spot at the back of his head.

Male Great Spotted Woodpecker 

Another check in the afternoon at low water covered the full length of the wall (MD, KE)
There were only Black-Headed Gulls on No.2 outflow on the way out but on the way back.
Little Gull 1 at least. The low afternoon sun made viewing difficult but the first sighting seemed to be of an adult, but the bird that provided better views suggested 2nd calendar year, as its underwings were relatively pale.

This was unusual, you don't often see No.1 outflow almost drained.

This is the baffle at the seaward end that brings any remaining tit bits to the surface.
This is why gulls often feed at the seaward end, even when the tide is quite high.

Whimbrel 1 late bird was feeding along the sloping wall beyond No.1 outflow.

Whimbrel - unfortunately it took flight when 3 noisy Curlew flew past and I lost it

Bar-Tailed Godwit 2 on the beach near wooden jetty

Snow on some of the South Lakes peaks

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