Friday 3 November 2023

Terns and Dragonflies......remember, is November!

A fresh NW wind. Sunshine for most of the day.

South shore on the morning rising tide (MD)
Shelduck 126 feeding on the mud.
Wigeon 108 waiting in the channels by the outflows.
Eider 1 male out from the harbour entrance 
Arctic Tern 1 juvenile plus Common Tern 1 juvenile feeding on No.2 outflow.
Mediterranean gull 1 adult at the seaward end of No.1 outflow before flying off south.

Bar-Tailed Godwit 2 were feeding on the beach between the wooden jetty and No.1 outflow. The tide was rising up the channel beside them, but the tide doesn't just rise up against the mud, it rises through it too, effectively fluidising the mud. Makes for easy pickings!
This one runs from the higher, drier mud to the lower fluidised mud, you can see the mud colour change as it reaches it. It then has to run again to wash its Lugworm before its mate pinches it.

At this point the mud is so soft the Godwits can easily push their head right through it.

Rock Pipit 1 on foreshore 
Linnet c50 on saltmarsh 

Harlequin Ladybird a "swarm" was sunning themselves along the wooden fence at the entrance to Ocean Edge. At this time of year they gather together, looking for suitable hibernation locations. There were two or three of the two main variations on every post for about 100m at least 30 Ladybirds.

Harlequin Ladybirds 

Middleton Nature Reserve - afternoon (MD/JP)
Mute Swan pair plus 8 large cygnets 
Gadwall 3 on the "no swimming" pond plus Janet saw 7 fly over.
Mallard 27 - the "tame" 12 on the main pond and a very flighty flock of 15 on the "no swimming" pond.
These are the "no swimming" pond birds. It must have been me that spooked them, but I was being as careful as I always am here, and I don't normally spook the ducks (the normally more flighty Gadwall remained)

Coot 12
Moorhen 6
Little Grebe 1 in winter plumage on the main pond, but very elusive 
Grey Heron 1 regular bird resting on the slope above the main pond

Cetti's warbler 1 singing at the "no swimming" pond

Sparrowhawk by Janet

Common Darter 2 - an old female and this male.
Male Common Darter resting on a late autumn fallen leaf

Roe Deer 1 female

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