Thursday 7 December 2023

Nothing new

A strong SE wind, overcast all day, but the worst of the rain held off till lunchtime, then heavy and prolonged rain.

South Shore (MD)
Unfortunately I couldn't get out till the afternoon so a very wet walk along the sea wall!
Wigeon 300+
Shelduck 32
Bar-Tailed Godwit 4 on the beach by the wooden jetty 
Rock Pipit 1 near the lighthouse (first for a week or so)
This was the only picture I took today. From the shelter of the lighthouse. It is just to show how flat the
sea was, with the strong SE wind blowing the sea in the same direction as the incoming tide was moving it.

Fortunately, I had anticipated a washout this afternoon so saved some shots from yesterday (nothing that wasn't still around today).
Adult Herring Gull on one of the harbour platforms 

First winter Herring Gull on the harbour wall

The Black-Headed Gulls also rest on the platforms 
The yellow ringed Polish bird that has overwintered here every winter since 2017/18
has not turned up this winter, at least not so far. 

This Turnstone was feeding on the platforms, it appears to be eating the flesh from the barnacles. I have seen several species breaking off bits of barnacle shell for grit, but I don't recall seeing one being eaten before. It looks relatively easy, perhaps they are not overly tasty, or possibly it had found something other than a barnacle, it does look suspiciously white flesh.

Hopefully more tomorrow!

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