Thursday 25 January 2024

A bit less variety

A SE to S wind. Overcast all day and steady rain after lunch.

South shore (MD)
Pale-bellied Brent goose 35 flew to Red Nab directly from the west side of the bay.
Pink-Footed goose 61 flew north - first I've seen or heard since the cold spell.
Shelduck 5 south
Red-breasted Merganser 2 south
Wigeon c250
Shag 1 (the darkest bird) on the wooden jetty
Shag with a Cormorant and Great Black-Backed gulls

Redshank 130 in one group seeking a high water roost

They eventually settled on the wooden jetty with a few Cormorants 
Turnstone these five were turning stones by the saltmarsh yesterday, you can see them pause briefly, as someone calls out in the distance.

Rock Pipits 3 - one near lighthouse and two along the sea wall, saltmarsh not checked today.
Rock,Pipits along the sea wall

North shore (JP)
These Knot were roosting below Heysham Head, and includes one with a yellow flag. Much too distant to be within reading range.

Just outside the recording area, the Glossy Ibis was in the horse paddock at Middleton Parish Hall this morning. Not seen at 15:45, but it was miserable and it may have already left for its roost.

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