Saturday 13 January 2024

Sometimes you have to rely on the wildlife coming to you

Another dry but overcast day, the light wind freshened slightly as it moved tomSW.

I didn't have much time today (Malcolm). So first just a couple of shots of a visitor to my Heysham garden.

Immature Sparrowhawk

South shore (MD)
Just a very brief check of the shore out from the saltmarsh as the rising tide was covering it.
Pale-bellied Brent goose c25 seen distantly leaving Red Nab and flying SE.
Shelduck 60
These Shelduck are filtering invertebrates from the soft mud. Note their bill action.

Their bill feeding action leaves unmistakable patterns in the soft mud.

Two examples of the patterns left in the mud by feeding Shelduck
Wigeon 200+ 

The waders don't hang around for long, these spring tides cover the mud very quickly here.
Curlew 50
Bar-Tailed Godwit 1
Oystercatcher 200
Grey Plover 15
Redshank 25
Dunlin 100
Ringed Plover 4
The above on the mud

Lapwing 12
Common Snipe 3 
On the saltmarsh 

These are Grey Plover just before the tide moves them on. You can see how quickly it rises over the relatively flat shore here. A Knot pops in at the end to provide a nice size comparison.

Imperial Rd (MD)
This was my only other outing today and was just a brief check in passing.
Water Rail 1 squealing from the pond near the recycling centre
Teal 5 lifted from the same pond
Stock Dove 2
Roe Deer 1 female

Just out of the recording area - Middleton Parish Hall.
The Glossy Ibis in the horse paddock behind the hall was seen by several observers. Including Angela Gillon. When Angela checked there were also:
Redwing 10
Green Sandpiper 1

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