Sunday 21 January 2024

Wet and windy......with more to come

A strong south wind freshened all day ending very strong. The rain started just after 09:00 then continued all day.

South shore (MD)
I had a walk along the sea wall as it was getting "light", but in reality there wasn't anything you could call daybreak, it just got slightly less grey. No sign of the Glossy Ibis, but if it did roost on the wooden jetty it could have already left, all the Cormorants were already feeding.
No Brent Geese were on Red Nab, despite the tide still surrounding it.
Wigeon 200
Shelduck 21
Shag 1 - the most mature looking bird was in the harbour.

Sub adult Shag
By this time the rain had started and I could only use my small pocket camera, but the Shag was close to the platforms and providing good views.

This is the Shag with a Cormorant for comparison 

Shag and Cormorant 

Grey Seal 1 at least feeding in No.2 outflow. It just occasionally popped its head up for a breath, but the large gulls had spotted it and were waiting along the rails for it to catch their breakfast. The seal doesn't show in this clip, but the gulls can clearly see its dark shape below the water and kept adjusting their position to be ready when the time came. I'd already been rained on enough for one day so left them to it.

Rock Pipit 6-7, two near the lighthouse, one along the sea wall and three, possibly four on the saltmarsh 
Reed Bunting 5 at the saltmarsh 

Just out of the recording area Middleton Parish Hall (MD).
On the way home I checked the horse paddock behind the Hall to see if the Ibis had returned. It had.

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