Sunday 4 February 2024

Cetti's "singing" and Woodcock

The SW wind freshened but not as much as originally forecast. Largely dry but overcast.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a passing check of the two main ponds.
Wildfowl as recent except no Tufted Duck today and there were 3 Gadwall.
Cetti's Warbler one probably two, almost singing, more a sub song, from north and south bank of the "no swimming" pond.

Imperial Rd (MD)
Common Buzzard 2. A light and a dark morph bird.
The light morph bird was perched closest in the trees to the west.
Both birds were contact calling

The light morphed bird set off first

You can hear the contact calls in this clip.

It was then followed by the darker morphed bird, and then they both headed off to the SE.
Mallard 2
Teal 4

Heysham Nature Reserve (PJM)
Woodcock 1 - flew low over the car park and dropped in tank farm - presumably spooked on reserve by something.  

South Shore (MD)
A mid afternoon walk along the sea wall.
Shelduck 9
Wigeon 290 - I often refer to them being easy to count as they drift towards Red Nab on the rising tide. This clip shows what I mean.
Not 290 yet but another flock flew in

Shag 1 - it flew in from the along the north wall then turned into the harbour.
Shag and Cormorant 


It headed straight to the waterfall and began feeding.

Just out of the recording area - Middleton Parish Hall - Horse paddock
Glossy Ibis seen morning and afternoon 
Green Sandpiper at least in the afternoon.

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