Friday 2 February 2024

Just a quick afternoon check

A fresh SW wind. Overcast with some light showers.

Most observers were unavailable today, I just had chance for a quick afternoon check (Malcolm)

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just the two main ponds checked.
Mute Swan pair plus 7 immature 
Mallard 20
No Gadwall today
Tufted Duck 2 (one male on each pond)
Coot 6
Moorhen 4
Little Grebe 2 (one on each pond). The main pond bird was showing close to the feeding station, but only ever on the surface for a few seconds. These are three typical views. The grunting is the swans feeding.

Little grebe

A flock of Long-Tailed Tits were enjoying the fat balls left by visitors.

South shore
No brent geese on Red Nab
Wigeon 200+
Shelduck 22 out from the saltmarsh 
Shag 1 initially on one of the platforms in the harbour near the waterfall. It waddled over to the edge of the platform and seemed to be thinking about leaving.

But it decided to remain

Later as I was approaching the lighthouse it flew through the harbour mouth and landed on the wooden jetty.

Rock Pipit 2 - waterfall and saltmarsh 
Weasel 1 - scurried from the west side of the saltmarsh to rocks around the edge.

Just out of the recording area - Middleton Parish Hall
Glossy Ibis still feeding in the horse paddock behind the hall.

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