Friday 9 February 2024

More interesting than anticipated

The strong overnight east wind had eased by morning and continued easing all day, ending up light. The rain was never very heavy but low cloud and showers all day.

South Shore (MD, JP)
I just checked the saltmarsh towards high water (Malcolm)
Jack Snipe 1
Common Snipe 18
Reed Bunting 3
Redshank 150
Turnstone 5
Shelduck 9
Wigeon c200

Janet walked along the sea wall later on the ebbing tide.
Pale-bellied Brent geese 10 at least.
Pale-bellied Brent plus a male Wigeon

Shag 2 immature in the harbour
The Shag at the back is at least 1 year older than the front bird

The younger Shag climbed onto one of the platforms.........

......... revealing a metal ring on its right leg.
Janet managed a close up of the ring identifying some of its 
numbers. Unfortunately, not enough to identify it. Shame.

Cormorants on Red Nab

Rock Pipit standing on the harbour wall near the waterfall 

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick check of the two main ponds
Mute Swans - the adult pair were back on the "no swimming" pond and the only other wildfowl on the pond were a Coot and a Moorhen. Just three of the immature Swans remained on the main pond.
Also on the main pond.
Mallard 12
Gadwall 2
Tufted Duck 1 male
Coot 5
Moorhen 4
Little Grebe 1 

This male Siskin turned up on Kevin Eaves feeders this afternoon 

This record of the Glossy Ibis at Middleton Parish Hall.  “Saw it this morning I live in a house that backs onto the field”. Katie just before 0900. Curtesy of Middleton and LA3 district Facebook group 
It wasn't feeding when checked at 10:30. So if it isn't there when you arrive wait a while.

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