Sunday 25 February 2024

Sunday morning along the south wall, always worth a walk.

A cool night, just above freezing, followed by a dry sunny day. The light east breeze freshened towards evening.

South shore (PC, JP, MD)
Report from Pete Crooks:

Rock Pipit – 4 between Red Nab and Heysham Harbour.

Peregrine – 1 roosting on Heysham 2 Power Station.

Shag – adult-type roosting on one of the structures near the outflow pipe in SW corner of harbour. It disappeared when some workmen in a boat appeared in that part of the harbour.

Cormorant – 70 roosting on the wooden pier and the outfall railings.

Pink-footed Goose 160 (skeins of 75 and 85) flew north across the Bay.

Red-throated Diver – 1 distant offshore, drifting into the Bay on the rising tide.

Pale-bellied Brent Goose – 33 flew over the wooden pier towards Red Nab at 9.55 am and settled on Red Nab. None were colour-ringed.

Some shots from Janet:

Some of today's Cormorants 

Female Eider near the wooden jetty

One of four Rock Pipits

Knot out from Ocean Edge, as yesterday being attacked by a Peregrine Falcon

I was a bit behind Janet, and took this clip of the Peregrine attacking the Knot (Malcolm). The clip begins with the Peregrine skimming over the flock left to right. Then an attack from the upper left, followed immediately by it heading left again. It must have caught one otherwise its momentum would have carried it on to the right. May be better to watch in slow motion (Peregrine are quite quick).

The only other things that I can add to the above is that towards high water the adult Shag was resting on the wooden jetty.
Reed Bunting 3 on the saltmarsh 
Reed Bunting 

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