Wednesday 14 February 2024

Swans top the bill......well, it was wet!

The forecast "light" rain became increasingly heavy during the morning, more showery in the afternoon. The south wind increased throughout the day ending quite fresh.

Just my stuff today, so far (Malcolm)

Middleton Nature Reserve 
The 2 adult Mute Swans were still on the "no swimming" pond. It's nice to see  them feeding naturally and doing a bit of reaffirming bonds.

There were only five immature birds on the main pond and two of them were bonding. Presumably one of these was the stray cygnet that the group "adopted".

Gadwall 8
Male Gadwall

Mallard 10
Tufted Duck 1 male
Coot 6
Moorhen 4
Little Grebe 1

Imperial Rd
Mallard 12
Teal 6 
A nice size comparison shot between a Mallard and Teal

Little Egret 3

A quick check just after high water
Wigeon 120
Rock Pipit 6 (3, 2 and 1)

This is one of Howard's many colour marked Knot from Monday.
Ringed as an adult at Skógarnes Iceland 17/05/23
Seen at the Wash in Norfolk 29/10/23 then here 12/02/24

Just out of the recording area - Middleton Parish Hall
The Glossy Ibis was seen both during the morning and afternoon in the horse paddock behind the Hall. These excellent shots are not today's but taken by Janet earlier in the week (I've been saving them for a rainy day).

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