Friday 23 February 2024

Young Shag showing well, but not giving up its identity (just yet).

A dry and sunny day with a light west to SW wind.

South Shore (MD, JP)
I had a walk along the sea wall first on the rising tide (Malcolm). Janet was just starting as I was getting back.
Pale-bellied Brent goose 37 - this flock of 31 arrived first from the north side, followed a little later by 6 more.

Brent, Wigeon and Oystercatcher on Red Nab

Some of the Brent just before they flew off to the south
Wigeon 200
Even the Wigeon are arguing over grazing rights

Redshank 230+ were trying to fit on the wooden jetty planking (move along at the back please).

The Redshank weren't the only ones struggling to get onto the jetty. It looks like an earlier bird had pinched this Cormorant's "place".

There were several Cormorants feeding around No.2 outflow

Quite an impressive leap, but not up to Shag standards

Shag 1 first winter was showing very well in the harbour, it was swimming around the platforms when I checked.
1st winter Shag
It was close to the harbour wall, my initial thought was that it was indifferent to me. But it wasn't indifferent, it knew I was there and kept an eye on me, but just didn't care!

Later, when Janet checked it was on one of the platform's struts. Unfortunately, with its ringed right leg kept firmly out of sight.

Rock,Pipits 4 - one each Red Nab and lighthouse, two near the waterfall 

This Little Egret on Red Nab with the light behind it makes an interesting shot
On the saltmarsh 
Reed Bunting 2
Goldfinch 3

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Both the Glossy Ibis and Green Sandpiper seen today

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