Thursday 7 March 2024

Black Redstart best of a pretty decent day

A light east wind. Sunny till mid afternoon when it clouded over, but remained dry.

South Shore
Black Redstart 1 female type. 
Located at Red Nab late morning by Kevin Eaves
It was seen till 14:00 then moved off somewhere. But it returned later and was relocated by Alan Physick half way along Ocean Edge foreshore in the late afternoon.

It wasn't there when I checked earlier in the morning at high water (Malcolm). But on the scrub near the lighthouse there were
Stonechat 3 - a male plus two female, there were still two female when Kevin got there later, probably the same two. One flew across the harbour towards the sandworks.
This is Kevin's shot of the female that remained on the south side

These are the two earlier females, Kevin's bird is probably the
upper bird here. The lower female was a paler bird

This is the paler female

Male Stonechat

This is the darker of the two females

Pale-bellied Brent goose 38. They were hard to count on Red Nab as these neap tides barely reach it and there are many rocks and ledges to obscure view. I eventually decided there were 31, but when they flew to the north side there was actually 38.
Pale-bellied Brent geese flying to the north side 

Shelduck 55
Wigeon 200
Eider 1 male in harbour mouth
Shag 1 adult feeding along the seaward edge of No.1 outflow.

Rock Pipits 6, including 2 near the lighthouse being surprisingly tolerant of the Stonechats
Peregrine Falcon 2 at least

Middleton Nature Reserve (JP)
Male plus 3 female Goosander 

Male Goosander

Female Goosander

This one was taking a drink

This one was trying to locate a fish to dive for

Two of five Gadwall on the "no swimming" pond

Gadwall pair

Male Mallard

Male Pheasant 

The pair of Mute Swans are progressing with nest building

Cetti's Warbler 3 at least singing
Goldcrest 1 

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis plus Green Sandpiper feeding in the afternoon at least.

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