Saturday 9 March 2024

Black Redstart continues to entertain

Another dry overcast day with a light ENE wind.

North shore
Pete checked the sea but nothing moving.
Stonechat pair on gorse on the north side of the harbour

South Shore:
Black Redstart 1 female type. Still on Ocean Edge foreshore, initially quite mobile, but became more sedentary after a visiting bird photographer left it some mealworms (c150m along from the gate). Several observers saw it, at least till 13:30.
These shots by Edward Wilkinson ( not the mealworm provider)

Female type Black Redstart 

These fine shots of a Cormorant on Red Nab also from Edward

Rock Pipits 5
A "crest" flitting along the sea wall before being lost into the Power Station, was only seen from behind, but probably just  a Goldcrest (Malcolm)

Pale-bellied Brent goose 39 - there were 4 having a drink and a bath in the freshwater runoff at Red Nab, very early in the tide. They then flew to the north side. Later 31 flew to Red Nab from the north and later still joined by another 4. After high water, Pete Crooks saw 39 returning to Red Nab from the south, so there must have been two groups of 4. These are the 31 arriving on the rising tide.

Shelduck 67
Wigeon 200
Mallard pair in off from the south
Great Crested Grebe 1 feeding by No.1 outflow where the Shag has been feeding recently, there must be suitable prey there at the moment.

Shag 1 adult had been near the waterfall then flew to the middle of the harbour.

It then flew to the wooden jetty. It normally flies low over the water, but today it gained height and did a circuit of the harbour before flying out.

High flying Shag

2 goldcrest in the tallest fir tree by the white barrier in the Nature Park - Angela Gillon

Imperial Rd (EW)
Shots by Edward Wilkinson 


Common Buzzard

Middleton Nature Reserve (JP)
Still 4 Goosander on the "no swimming" pond.
One of the three female Goosanders

Cetti's warbler one singing from the reed bed in the SE corner of the main pond. Two birds seen flitting between the reeds.
Great Spotted Woodpecker at least 1
Male Great Spotted Woodpecker 

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

There was no sign of the Glossy Ibis at 08:55, but it was seen by several observers later in the day. 

This is a nice comparison shot by Edward Wilkinson.
Little Egret with Glossy Ibis

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