Monday 18 March 2024

Brambling best of a good mix

A few showers ended by 08:15. After that dry with some prolonged sunny spells. A light SW wind.

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Jean managed the first ringing session of the year, the pick of the catch was
Brambling 1 x 1st winter female

North Shore (Pete)
Shag 1 adult feeding near conger rock
Pale-bellied Brent goose 22 in the same area
Middleton Nature Reserve (MD, JP)
Goosander 6, but a different mix today.
2 males, and what looks to be an adult female with a first winter bird, plus two more adult females (Malcolm)

They were still present when Janet checked later and took these excellent shots.
Male Goosander

Female Goosander

This one still has some of the pale face markings of an immature bird

Singing Chiffchaff, there were some moving but none singing when I checked.
But the later sunshine brought them into song
Cetti's Warbler 3 heard singing

At least two Goldcrest

This Reed Bunting has taken to hanging around and using the
feeders in the main pond car park

The warm morning sunshine also brought out the insects, several queen Bees were seen but too quick to identify.
Hoverfly sp

Seven Spot Ladybird 

Great Spotted Woodpecker pair, flew together to the southern section of the reserve.

South shore (MD)
A 10 minute morning check of the foreshore just as the last shower was easing found nothing grounded, but 14 Meadow Pipit north.
An afternoon walk along the sea wall
Wigeon just 84, they will not be with us much longer so I took a clip of this pair looking fine in breeding plumage.
In the Nature Park
Chiffchaff 2
Goldcrest 2
Great spotted Woodpecker 1 male
Redwing 2

Pink-footed geese flying south over Janet's house this afternoon 

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis still feeding

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