Monday 11 March 2024

Day five........

A dry largely overcast day. A light variable breeze first from the east then later from the west.

South Shore
Black Redstart 1 female type was more elusive today and was seen at both the slipway and Red Nab ends of Ocean Edge foreshore. Today's shots by Janet.

Shag 1 adult resting on the wooden jetty at high water. This shot by Kevin Eaves

Pale-bellied Brent goose 2 - today's spring tide had already covered Red Nab as I passed (Malcolm). Any Brent feeding here earlier would have flown south. These two came from the north side, looked at where Red Nab "should be" then continued south.
Wigeon 100 - mainly at the saltmarsh
Eider 1 female
Alba Wagtail 4 north
Rock Pipit 6 including these two on the saltmarsh 

Imperial Rd (MD)
Buzzard 2 drifted off to SE together 
Wood Pigeon 40
Some of the Wood Pigeon resting in the treetops 

Meadow Pipit 5
Greylag Goose 10 just beyond the hedgerow. One made a halfhearted effort at an alarm call, but the others saw no reason to be alarmed.

Greylag goose

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Goosander just 2 females this evening 
Tufted Duck 3
Little grebe 1
Cetti's warbler 2 - 1 singing by both ponds 
Goldcrest 1
Out of focus, but recognisable Goldcrest

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis feeding this evening at least.

Plenty of Frogspawn at Heysham Moss Nature Reserve 

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