Sunday 3 March 2024

Five singing warblers......two species

A dry sunny day with a light SW wind.

Heysham skear - low water 10:00 
It was a pleasant morning walk, but not a lot to see (Malcolm)
Eider 65
Great Crested Grebe 2
Oystercatcher 1500
Knot 400
Redshank 100
Turnstone 80
Curlew 20
Dunlin 12
Ringed Plover 6.
These are a couple of Dunlin feeding.

The tide was coming in and these Knot were having a bath before moving on. This channel is where the freshwater runoff flows, at this point largely filled with saltwater, but it will still be quite fresh along this edge.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick check of the two main ponds on my way home (Malcolm)
Cetti's Warbler 4 singing/calling. There were at least two around the "no swimming" pond almost constantly calling with the odd burst of song. Another singing from the reeds in the SE corner of the main pond, plus this one singing just beyond the NW corner of the main pond.
About as good a view as you get of a Cetti's warbler

The above Cetti's is in this clip. The Blue Tit calling is virtually sat on my shoulder, even so, the single burst of song from the Cetti's at 10m away is still louder than the Blue Tit.

Chiffchaff 1 singing briefly near the "no swimming" pond  - Pete advises that it is probably an overwintering bird.

Goosander 2 - male and female on the "no swimming" pond. This is the male, the Chiffchaff is singing in this clip, but it is mixed with a Great Tit.

Female Goosander

Other wildfowl unchanged.
Stock Dove 1
Bullfinch pair

Both Goosander were still present when Angela Gillon checked at 16:00, also a Cetti's warbler singing at the main pond car park at that time, plus a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming on the south side.

Imperial Rd (MD)
Just a quick stop off early evening 
Buzzard 1 - the light morphed bird resting in the trees
Mute Swan 2
Mallard 2
Grey Heron 2
Meadow Pipit 4

Two of the Meadow Pipits

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis still feeding In the field next to the paddock, but closer to the hedgerow this morning.

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