Friday 22 March 2024

Kitts on the move

Sunny after an early shower, a few scattered showers by evening. A fresh west wind.

Pete did an early seawatch 0735-0905: 
103 kittiwake in (5 flocks all before 0800)
4 red throated diver (all summer plumage) in
drake common scoter out
drake Goosander in.  
Northbound trickle lesser black-backed and common gull

Ocean Edge/Red Nab (MD, JP)
Wheatear 5 at least. There were 4 when I checked, but at least 2 of these moved on. Janet had 3 later, so at least 1 additional bird.

Male Wheatear

Pale-bellied Brent goose 49 feeding on Red Nab
Shelduck 4
Wigeon 14
Eider 1 male

Female and male Newt sp in the Nature Park pond
Unfortunately diagnostic features not visible

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick check of the two main ponds
Goosander 4 (1 male). I'm posting this clip as I will be posting one of a male Merganser later for comparison.

Little Grebe 3 - 2 together on main pond. This is one of them unfortunately with the light behind it.
Cetti's warbler 3 singing
Chiffchaff 3 singing

Heysham skear - low water 17:00 (MD)
Pale Bellied Brent goose 49 at least, once again there were small groups all around the skear just resting.
Two adult and a first winter Brent, looking to have plenty of fat reserves for
their upcoming transatlantic flight! Also Knot and Oystercatcher 

For some reason this group decided to have a fly around, they weren't spooked. Half ended up in the NE skear corner and the rest returned to the north side. The clip is really to show how the skear looks at this time of year.

Eider 22
Red-breasted Merganser 4 - this is a male.

Knot c1,000
Dunlin 2 at least
Dunlin (foreground) with Knot

Bar-Tailed Godwit 38 north in two flocks (13 and 25)

Kittiwake 206 - they were heading high to the north then began circling. 

They were still circling so I checked around to see if there were more flocks. When I looked back they had disappeared, they must have dropped down and settled on the sea somewhere near the stone jetty.

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis still feeding

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