Tuesday 5 March 2024

Rock Pipits return to the Head, 3 Goosander and first butterfly of the year.

Another dry and largely sunny day. The light wind initially from SE but ended up from the west.

Brimstone butterfly 1 male flew through Janet's garden this morning.

Heysham Head 
Report from John Dent:

I noticed a couple of weeks ago you mentioned looking for rock pipits on Heysham Head.

My daily walk is usually round the Head and I have also been looking for the pipits.

Today is the first day I have seen any there. At least three birds possibly four were around the usual nest site.

One was being territorial and chased off one of the others.

No sign of the Kestrel this last few weeks, it was a regular through the Winter.

Imperial Rd (MD)

Mute Swan 2 adult

Greylag Goose 3

Mistle thrush 2 - one had been singing. It attracted another, they both perched on the pylon near the bypass roundabout.

This is the bird that had been singing perched high on the pylon

The second one perched lower but was keeping an eye on the other bird.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick check of the "no swimming" pond, there was a lot of noisy landscape work underway around the main pond.

The Mute pair were preparing a nesting platform.

Goosander 3  - a second female had joined them. Can't say the male looks overly enthusiastic 

Cetti's warbler 2 singing

South shore (JP, MD)

Shelduck 49

Two of the Shelduck on Red Nab

Wigeon 150

Little Egret 3

This bird resting on the divider in the middle of No.2 outflow looked "interesting " (Malcolm)

Turned out to be just a Redshank resting in an unusual manner 
Possibly ill, but there had been a lot of frantic wader activity further out and they were clearly being
attacked, probably by a Peregrine. Perhaps this Redshank had been hit but escaped and needed a rest.

Rock,Pipit 5

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis - Janet took some stunning shots today.

It has a grub in this shot

This one shows the current stage of its moult

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