Friday 12 April 2024

First Common Tern

It, more or less, managed to stay dry today, just the occasional spot of rain. A light SW wind.

South shore
I checked on the rising tide late morning (Malcolm)
Mute Swan 1 immature, possibly one of the displaced birds from Middleton Nature Reserve 
2nd calendar year Mute Swan

Pale-bellied Brent goose 11 flew to Red Nab from the north side.
Pale-bellied Brent geese, even in flight the groups of 7 and 4 are still maintained 
Geese sp (likely Pink-footed) 41 in a line, distant and heading NW so only rear views.
Shelduck 2
Little Egret 3
Shag 1 adult on wooden jetty.
Wheatear 7 on saltmarsh and foreshore
Rock Pipit 3 - 2 on foreshore and 1 above nest site at the lighthouse 
Lighthouse Rock Pipit

White wagtail 1 male along the sea wall.

Linnet 4 between the lighthouse and waterfall, where at least two pairs raised young last year.

Peregrine Falcon 1
Peregrine Falcon, it had something dangling from its leg, possibly jesses.

Common Tern 1 - it wasn't around when I walked out, but on the way back I could see it resting on the sea wall by No.2 outflow. Then it began feeding on the outflow.

Common Tern

It was seen feeding here till early afternoon, but had disappeared towards high water. It was back feeding again at 15:00 and seen by Kevin at 17:30.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet checked in the morning

Greylag geese - they keep looking like wanting to breed here, but
the disturbance has always been too much. 

Willow Warbler

Grey Squirrel, "hiding" behind a twig

I covered the same small area this evening as I did yesterday evening (Malcolm).
Mute Swan, just the adult pair on the main pond now, two immature on the fence pond.
Other wildfowl as yesterday, including the Mallard chicks as mum ushers them into cover.
Pheasant 1 male calling
Common Snipe 1
Cetti's warbler 5 - same areas as yesterday
Willow warbler and Chiffchaff c4 each
Blackcap 2 (male and female)
Reed warbler 2

Swallow 5 at least. 3 were feeding over the main pond and others feeding along the roadway to the water treatment plant. These two were having an off passage preen (the awful whine is a sub station).

Male Swallow

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis still present 

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