Wednesday 3 April 2024

Lots of warblers!

It was fine this morning till an heavy shower began at 08:30 and continued for an hour. More showers began about 11:00 till early afternoon, then mainly fine. A light SE breeze to lunchtime when it shifted to the west and became quite fresh.

A couple of shots by Janet from Heysham Nature Reserve yesterday 
Snakes Head Fritillary

A pair of Small Tortoiseshell butterflies 

Middleton Nature Reserve 
For once I timed it just right (Malcolm). The heavy early rain was just stopping, I had only planned to check the "no swimming" pond, but there were so many warblers singing that I walked around to the main pond, then checked the fence pond from the roadside.
Cetti's warbler 8 - 1 in three of the 4 "no swimming" pond corners (NE, SE and SW), 1 in the middle of the central marsh, 1 near the pumping station at the NE corner of central marsh, 1 in bushes in the middle of the west side of main pond (not a known territory here), 1 in SE corner of main pond and 1 in NW corner of the Fence pond.
Chiffchaff 6 at least
Willow Warbler 6 at least - it's nice to hear them again! The birds in this compilation are Willow Warbler although there are Chiffchaff singing as well (plus a Pheasant calling). They look much more at home in the willows today than on my lawn yesterday!

Willow warbler

No sign of any Goosander again.
Mute Swan adult pair plus 5 immature 
Gadwall 3 - 2 males
Mallard 2 males
Coot 4
Moorhen 2
Gadwall drake and a Moorhen

South shore (Malcolm)
A quick check of the Nature park this morning heard at least one Willow Warbler. No sign in the evening.
I walked down to the waterline again this evening, but for some reason all the waders were much further south today. No point in trying to follow them they just keep on south. My only company were a few south bound Curlew and a flock of 31 Bar-Tailed Godwit south!
Shelduck 2
Pale-bellied Brent goose 7 on Red Nab. Clearly two lots, one of two and one of five.
Rock Pipit 2 on Red Nab

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis seen in the morning, not checked later

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