Wednesday 17 April 2024

Osprey and first Whimbrels

Another dry and often sunny day with a NW wind

Heysham Skear 
Osprey perched on a rock eating a flatfish today, it was also seen fishing here yesterday - David Kaye

I had a walk out at low water 14:30 (Malcolm). The Osprey had moved on by then.
No Brent geese on the skear today.
Eider 9
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Great Crested grebe 3
Little Egret 8
Swallow 1 north

Oystercatcher 750
Knot 1,500
Just some of today's Knot, only one seen with any hint of their red breeding plumage - it's in this shot
Curlew 3
Whimbrel 6 in one flock north - first of the year
Redshank 100
Turnstone 80
Bar-Tailed Godwit 160 minimum, there were 26 resting and feeding along the waterline on the south side. Others were spread around the skear resting in small groups. A larger group of 125+ on the north side may have included some seen earlier.
Bar-Tailed Godwit resting on the north side of the skear

They were resting at least, until a Peregrine Falcon lifted them and a flock of Knot. This was the ensuing chaos.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet took these pictures 
The Coot are still battling 

This Raven was being encouraged to leave, by the resident Carrion Crows

Willow Warblers

Other warbles seen/heard around the central marsh (Malcolm)
Cetti's warbler 7 singing - as yesterday but only 1 on the western marsh and 4 on central marsh today. There could well have been more as at some point there was a burst of song from almost every bush.
Lesser Whitethroat 2 singing
Reed Warbler 1 singing
Blackcap 2 males seen
Chiffchaff and Willow warbler c4 each

Jay 1
Pheasant 1

Imperial Rd
The only warblers seen/heard here today were Willow Warblers
Swallow 1 north
Buzzard 1
Common Buzzard

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis not there at 10:00, but it was feeding happily at 11:30

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