Wednesday 5 June 2024

Lots more Canadas

A cool NW wind. Sunny spells, somehow it managed to stay dry, although rain threatened several times. 

Seawatch - Pete 0730-0845: 
Canada geese 102 - 50 plus 35 plus 27 north past Heysham north wall 
20 Sanderling south, probably displaced from skeer
2 Common scoter out 
Lack of post breeding season small gulls around outfalls as opposed to the 2cy Common Gulls - much later than eg last year

Heysham Head
These shots by Edward Wilkinson were taken on Saturday 
Mating Linnets





There's always a fox watching you here, but you don't always see them.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet checked in the morning
Common Blue Damselfly 

Lesser Whitethroat 

I waited till mid afternoon, hoping things would warm up a little (Malcolm). But it never got above 14°C at any point today and my short visit was accompanied by the darkest clouds of the day!
The only dragonfly seen was a single Four-spotted Chaser, and that was accidentally disturbed.
The warblers were subdued just: Cetti's 3, Willow 2, Chiffchaff 3, Common Whitethroat 1, Reed 1.
This Chiffchaff had the decency to sing in clear view.
Reed Bunting 1 singing male

The female Mute is still sitting with her mate in attendance.
Gadwall 1 male
Mallard 15 - 2 female
Tufted a pair were on the "no swimming" pond, the female with no discernible tuft.

Coot 3
Moorhen 2 plus 1 chick
Moorhen with quite a well grown chick

Little grebe 1

Female/immature Bullfinch - just as I got back to my car, the sun came out again!

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