Monday 29 July 2024

Hirundinidae passing through

A warm sunny day with a light NW wind

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Yesterday's ringing report by Alan

Just two nets set at Middleton this morning resulted in 20 birds captured.

Wren  1

Robin  3

Blackbird  1

Cetti's Warbler  2 + 1 retrap

Grasshopper Warbler  1

Sedge Warbler  2

Blackcap  1

Chiffchaff  3

Willow Warbler  1 + 1 retrap

Blue Tit  1

Great Tit  2


Two/three pairs of Swift plus a small number of Swallows feeding high over the reserve and one Swallow flew south fast and low past my ringing station, presumably an early passage bird.


A moth trap set the previous night that was clear and cool caught only a modest 17 moths of 11 species.

Janet checked today

Juvenile Sand Martin

Sand and house Martin 

Swallow shaking itself dry after a bath

Sedge Warbler


Meadow Brown


Black-Tailed Skimmer

No sign of the Copper-tip Longhorn moths today

South shore

This aptly named White Satin Moth
was resting on the sea wall this afternoon - Kevin.

I checked the shore out from the saltmarsh this evening (Malcolm).

Many small gulls were anting again but a large group was resting on the mud.

Gulls resting on the mud out from the saltmarsh 

Mediterranean gull 31 including 2 juvenile and 15 x 2nd calendar year. Most were sat on the mud for most of the time, but eventually I managed to see a good proportion of their legs, revealing only one to be colour ringed, and that was the Belgium ringed bird seen on Friday.

Mediterranean, two Black-Headed and a Common gull

Swallow 3

There was a good variety of butterflies in the Nature Park

Meadow Brown several

Gatekeeper several 

Ringlet 2

Large White 2

Small White 3

Speckled wood 3

Red Admiral 1

Small Skipper 1

Comma 1

Brimstone 1


Brimstone and a Buff-tailed Bumblebee 

Brown Hawker 1

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