Monday 26 August 2024

More Meds, plus a gander into the future

Mainly overcast, but dry, with a decreasing SW wind.

South shore
Report by Shaun:
Heysham Outfalls. 06:30 - 10:00:
Med Gulls  64 - Adults/3cy 38, two 2cy and a minimum of 24 1cy.
Kittiwake two 1cy.
Osprey fishing from 06:30-06:40.
Little Egret 7 Ocean Edge. 
Wheatear at Lighthouse.

I checked the shore out from the saltmarsh on the rising tide this afternoon (Malcolm). 
On the saltmarsh - feeding on and around the flotsam left by the recent high spring tides .
Linnet 32
Pied Wagtail 24 
Reed Bunting 1 female type
Wheatear 1
A particularly rufous female/1st winter Wheatear

Six Linnet in this shot

All scattered by a female/immature Kestrel passing over

Whimbrel 2


Redshank 18
Little Egret 3

On the shore
The Manxman is back in service 

Curlew 130
Oystercatcher 30 were the only waders (indeed the only birds) along the waterline. And nothing other than Oystercatcher and Curlew could be seen further south beyond the recording area.
It felt like these Lesser Black-Backed gulls were laughing at me!

Swallow 5 feeding low over the saltmarsh fringes and over the mud.
Swallow feeding low above the mud

These Herring and Lesser Black-Backed gulls looked to be trying to invent rugby! A ball made from Whelk egg cases and a Carrion Crow making a fine referee.

These pictures by Janet 

The sole remaining cygnet on Middleton Nature Reserve is looking well

Silver Y in Janet's garden

More than "just" out of the recording area, but nevertheless very interesting. 
Pale-bellied Brent goose four (2 adult plus 2 youngsters) are already back at Roosecote just over the bay. Something to watch out for.

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