Sunday 1 September 2024

Plenty of Wheatears and hirundines

Dark and overcast but dry till early evening, then steady rain. A very light east breeze.

South shore (Malcolm)
I went to check the shoreline again this morning on the rising tide. The fire brigade had just brought a fire in Ocean Edge buildings under control. There were ten fire engines plus support vehicles and ambulances, fortunately it seems the ambulances weren't required as there are no reports of casualties.

There was a lot of commotion and a large drone flying overhead. Probably just a coincidence, but there were almost no waders along the waterline, even further south towards Potts Corner.
Curlew 114
Whimbrel 2
Oystercatcher 120
Bar-Tailed Godwit 1
Knot 11
Bar-Tailed Godwit with some of the Knot
Not much of a shot, but it's only to be expected when there isn't much to shoot at!
The almost monotone effect reflects the greyness of the day.

Further up the beach a mixed feeding group of 48 Dunlin and Ringed Plover (roughly half each)

Linnet 25 on the saltmarsh 
Pied Wagtail 8 on foreshore and Ocean Edge grass
Grey Wagtail 1 east
Rock Pipit 3 along foreshore (1 + 2)
Wheatear 16 at least between saltmarsh and Red Nab
Male Wheatear

Female/immature Wheatear

Ruby-tailed Wasp, spotted by Kevin Eaves in the Nature park

Shaun checked the north side:
Nothing much on Heysham Head besides 4 Little Egrets and 9 Eider.
Heliport Wader Roost:
Oystercatcher c.1200
Lapwing 14
Turnstone 78
Common Sandpiper 2
Redshank 365
Curlew 12
Whimbrel 1
Also 8 Wheatear (24 Wheatear in total today)
5 Red Admiral 

Middleton Nature Reserve (Janet)
There were at least 30 hirundines feeding, bathing, drinking on the main pond early afternoon. House Martins and Swallows, there seemed to be more House Martins.


Grey Heron

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