Friday 26 October 2007

Ring Ouzel accompanies further Blackbird influx

Heysham Obs
Contributed nothing today as Alan, Andrew, John and John had more faith and covered the site in cloudy conditions and a SSSE wind.

A further Blackbird influx, giving a minimum of about 60-70 for BE properties (early afternoon count) with the cloud cover (& food!) appearing to keep most of them in situ. They were accompanied by a noisy 1st W (probably male) Ring Ouzel which was heard but not seen on the tank farm before eventually giving good views as it flew low over towards the golf course via the office area at 1110hrs. Not much evidence of other thrush species. 8 unringed Long-tailed Tit were caught (7 in one flock). The lack of Goldcrest this month has already been mentioned, but perhaps more unexpected was the total non-event replacing the usual marked passage of Wren, especially surprising given the number of mornings mist nets have been in operation. Two unringed Goldcrest and a single unringed Wren this morning therefore worthy of mention!

Vis from by the office 0900-1100
Starling - 20S
Mistle Thrush - 11S
Collared Dove - 2SW
Goldfinch - 9E, 4SW
Chaffinch - 18SW
Redwing - 1SW
Coal Tit - 2S
Greenfinch - 6SW
Linnet - 1S

Red Nab/Ocean Edge area
44 Wigeon

North harbour wall
Single figures of Meadow Pipit, Linnet and Pied Wagtail grounded. 2 x 2nd W and adult Med Gulls coming to bread

15 Twite at Cockersands yesterday. 10+ Brambling by Tower Lodge, Trough of Bowland

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