Saturday 27 October 2007

Woodcock bonus

Heysham Obs
Thanks John & Malcolm for sussing out that the early morning conditions could produce another dose of migration - it did! Highlighted by a Woodcock flushed from bracken below tank farm at 1115hrs - first of the autumn. Tomorrow will hopefully see some attention switched to the sea for the first time in ages. At the very least, some of the large Razorbill passage along the Cumbrian/Lancs open sea coasts might divert in.

Vis. from by the office 0815 - 1145 hrs. All SW unless stated.
Starling 23
Greenfinch 35
Fieldfare 46 + 42 over Middleton IE
Chaffinch 142
Jackdaw 1
Goldfinch 21
Mistle thrush 6
Redwing 7 + 4 over Midd. IE
alba wagtail 4 SE
Song thrush 1SW + 1 S
Grey wagtail 1 E
Meadow pipit 2
Linnet 16 SE

Visible from the office during the morning: 2-3 Goldcrest, Sparrowhawk & 2 Great spotted woodpecker.

Approximately 50-60 Blackbird were located on BE properties with observations by the office suggesting some movement through the bushes in a generally southerly direction, but no birds "taking off" and flying inland as is the case during clearer conditions

North harbour wall
One 2nd W Med near the heliport

Middleton IE
Goldeneye 2 f/imm - first of autumn
Snipe 25
Jack Snipe 1

Nothing on the pager/LDBWS website other than a 1st W Spotted Redshank at Sunderland - ominous silence from Leighton Moss with respect to Great White Egret etc this last few days. Is it still hanging in there for the "winter" atlas starting on 1st Nov?

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