Sunday 28 October 2007

Yet more Blackbirds

Heysham Obs
Office-bound from dawn during quite atrocious conditions which cleared to reveal significant numbers of Blackbird and some finch vis mig. There was a lull in the wind as the weather cleared and a single mist net was set at the feeder & a small amount of vis undertaken.

Vis mig from the office 1115-1145
Chaffinch - 4 SW
Greenfinch - 28 SW +/- landing by the feeder to join other birds
Goldfinch - 26 S
Siskin - 2S

Grounded by the office
An absolute minimum of 48 Blackbird were seen in the bushes around the car park area, including 35 in one 'sweep'. A further c25 were estimated on the visible part of the 'tank farm'. This was the largest number of Blackbird I have seen this autumn and its a pity a full census could not be carried out as it would surely have beaten the previous highest of c150. These dispersed rapidly during the clear weather in late morning and the dog invasion

The mist net round was just that as the wind increased whilst extracting the catch, which included 7 new Greenfinch.

Ocean Edge saltmarsh
The 10 metre tide watch flushed 6 Snipe and one Jack Snipe. Kingfisher in the area (as is usual these days)

North harbour wall
3 x 2nd W and one x adult Med Gulls were present early afternoon but no wind-blown Shag despite a high count of 44 Cormorant on the wooden jetty. No sign of the Black Guillemot as is usual in the afternoon

The star bird of the day was an eastbound Greylag over Ocean Edge

The rain cleared to leave sunshine and high temperatures for this time of year. Apart from an increase in wasp numbers after they appeared to have died off during last week's frosts, sightings included a 'large bluish dragonfly' on the reserve which was surely Migrant Hawker along with at least 9 Common Darter on Middleton IE. A Red Admiral was by the office late morning. The moth trap contained a late Silver Y and Feathered Thorn

Great White Egret (and 8 Little Egret) still roosting on the island at the northern end of Leighton Moss this evening. Two Jack Snipe predictably flushed by the tide on Glasson Marsh along with 7 Twite and 2 Rock Pipit agg. Male and female Scaup on Glasson Marina and two distant Scaup off north Morecambe

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