Monday 11 February 2008

Minimalistic coverage!

Hey Obs
Ad & 2nd W Med Gull north harbour wall late afternoon (& Wren!)

Morecambe prom north section (SJ to Teal Bay) WeBs
Female Scaup of Scalestones Point
Spotted Redshank (one adult) on groyne on the bend
Purple Sandpiper Bubbles groyne (well hidden!)
Belgian-ringed Ad Med Gull Strathmore groyne
Two Brambling in private garden near Thrushgill. Ringtail Hen Harrier L Moss but no Avocet reports. 3 Scaup Conder Pool & 4 Bewick's Swan (& 215 Mute - highest count this winter) on the nearby Lune estuary. [OOA but of interest migration-wise....28 Skylark & 4 Meadow Pipit north over Plenmeller Common, Northumberland 1100-1300hrs and 15 male Black Grouse in the usual favoured walled roadside field alongside the A686 1/3 mile north of the Garrigill turn and c2 miles south of Alston.]

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