Tuesday 12 February 2008

Twite flock ringed

Heysham Obs
North harbour wall
Twite - All 24 present were caught for ringing/ring examination purposes just after dawn of which 22 were unringed young from 2007 (one possibly an adult) and a male and female with consecutive ring numbers put on in autumn 2005
Collared Dove - two on the mound is a new species for the SD36V Atlas
Med Gull - 2nd W north harbour wall early morning

Stage 2 outfall/Red Nab
Little Gull - 1st W still on outfall at HT
Wigeon - 116

Wooden jetty
Two Purple Sandpiper and c115 Turnstone

Ocean Edge
Pr Ringed Plover displaying

Purple Sandpiper still Morecambe Stone Jetty.

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