Monday 26 May 2008

Poor seawatching

Heysham Obs
North harbour wall 0600-1100
Black Guillemot - just one seen
Sandwich Tern - c10
Gannet - 3
Red-throated Diver - two late s.p. birds
Guillemot - 3 on water
Common Scoter - flock of c40 (same as seen twice at JBP in last few days?)
Swift - 3 NE

Red Kite
Hawthorthwaite Fell at 1055hrs is the only public domain sighting today in LDBWS area not involving breeding or territorial birds. Nothing at all reported from the Leighton Moss area - Spoonbills? No sign of Temminck's Stint in brief search at Aldcliffe BUT the winds were still against them moving on - anyone actually see them today?

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