Tuesday 27 May 2008

Greenshank tops the bill

Heysham Obs
A Greenshank qualified for the BTO challenge this afternoon courtesy of being in the main channel on Red Nab. This last week or so during the NE winds has been quite good for late Arctic Skua

North harbour wall observations/paper read 0850-1045
Arctic Skua - 2 dark morph in, then landed on sea 1035hrs, at least one still around 1050hrs
Sandwich tern - 4 blogging
Gannet - one out
Black Guillemot - just one offshore NHW
House Martin 1NE
Swallow 2NE
Whimbrel - one heard

Later seabirds
JBP recorded c50 + 15 Common Scoter nearer Heysham than JBP over the afternoon tide [but nothing else in c2hrs]!

Ocean Edge/Red Nab afternoon tide
Greenshank - adult summer feeding in the channel/stream on Red Nab - barely annual within the British Energy boundary line
Whimbrel - 3
Sandwich Tern - 1

Middleton IE
Mute Swan with 4 cygnets

What was possibly a Black Kite flew up the Dunsop valley via Staple Oak fell late afternoon but always distant moving away from (experienced) observer. Search Roeburn/Hindburndale?

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