Sunday 31 August 2008

Sprinkling of migrants

Heysham Obs
Ringing was undertaken at Middleton & by the office at HNR

Middleton IE
Too far inland to receive any of the landfalling migrants by the time we had to finish (1000hrs) but a few visible migrants
Tree Pipit - one ringed
Grey Wagtail - 7 colour-ringed out of about 14 heading S/SE
Swallow - c20 SE
Meadow Pipit - 5 SE
House Martin - 35 SE
alba Wagtail - c15 SE
Goldfinch - a few whizzing about, some of which could be on passage

Heysham nature reserve
Willow Warbler - 2 ringed
Chiffchaff - 4 ringed
Redstart - 2 ringed (quite scarce in autumn here)
Grey Wagtail - 5 colour-ringed (12 in total today from the two sites) & at least one other over

Outfalls/Red Nab
Med Gull - 3 adults
Sandwich Tern - 1
....but no Little Gulls in the calmer weather - should be back inshore tomorrow?
Wheatear - at least one

North harbour wall
Med Gull - Ad & 2 x 2nd W & 1 x 3d W

Moth trap
Continuing the conifer fest, Pine Carpet was a new species (I think) for Heysham NR. 15 Silver Y were disappointingly not accompanied by any other migrants. The only other unusual records were Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (not annual) and a second brood Bright-line Brown Eye
60 Crossbill Foulshaw and 3+ Osprey still there. [Ortolan Walney Island]

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