Monday 1 September 2008

Good inshore selection, nothing offshore

Heysham Obs
Two visits to the outfalls/Red Nab on the incoming tide and one visit to the NHW/wooden jetty view

Outfalls/Red Nab
Black Tern - juv on the first visit but didnt remain on the outfalls for 2nd visit
Sandwich Tern - one
Kittiwake - one 2nd W
Med Gull - 3 x ad, one juv-> 1st W with what appeared to be metal ring above tarsus on left leg
Little Gull - 2 x 2nd W, 1 x Ad
Common Gull - 2 juvs

North wall
No Meds!
Shag - 2 juv on wooden jetty, one of which arrived via close inshore along the north harbour wall

Vis mig
3 Grey Wagtail over first thing

Just 2 adult Kittwake out in 20-25mins

Black-necked Grebe Conder Pool (no further details as yet e.g. age)

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