Monday 15 September 2008

Cloud too far to the east at dawn?

Heysham Obs
**The sand works is back in operation at the end of the north harbour wall after several weeks, if not months, of inaction. Please make sure that your parking neither blocks any of the gates nor prevents lorry access. Thanks

This was a poor morning with relatively little happening during dawn to c0930 coverage. A few bits on the WeBS.

Vis mig
Grey Wagtail - 3 (2 colour-ringed)
Meadow Pipit - 37
Swallow - 26
Chaffinch - 5
alba Wagtail - 3

White Wagtail - 2 Ocean Edge football pitch (& 16 Pied)
Linnet - flock of 41 OE
Wheatear - 5
Chiffchaff - just 3 left on reserve
Goldcrest - 10
Sedge Warbler - one ringed by the office - getting a bit late for here

Wooden jetty/harbour
Shag - 2 juveniles
Med Gull - three adults following dredger

Outfalls/Ocean Edge
Little Gull - one ad-type
Mute Swan - 2 counting for the BTO/Business challenge

The 2008 Scottish-born Honey Buzzard with a radio transmitter roosted overnight [almost certainly Sat/Sun as opposed to Sun/Mon] in a deciduous wood between Nook and Lupton along the A65 = in the LDBWS area. Black-necked Grebe still Conder Pool. The ex-36W Ad Med Gull in the Broadway area

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