Tuesday 16 September 2008

Weather front in the wrong place again

......blocking stuff from the east

Shag and Carrion Crow have a bit of a run-in on the picturesque wooden jetty. Photo by Mike Watson. This is the ringed bird but we have not been able to get anywhere near it to read the number

Heysham Obs
Vis mig intermittently 0800-1000
Meadow Pipit - 105 SW
Siskin - 1 SE
alba Wagtail - 11 SE
Chaffinch - 10 S
Snipe - 1 SW

Collared Dove - 1 SE

Grounded/off passage
Mistle Thrush - 11
Chiffchaff - 3
Whitethroat - 1
Goldcrest 1!!
Robin - in excess of 20 migrants, including 3 on north harbour wall
Linnet - 38 OE football pitch
Pied Wagtail - 17 OE foreshore (no White)

Med Gull - 2 ads around harbour mouth
Shag - one on wooden jetty
Little Gull - 2nd W stage 2 outfall
Little Egret - one OE saltmarsh creek

Osprey Conder Green area & Black-necked grebe still on Conder Pool. Unstreaked acro, probably Reed Warbler, Stone Jetty bushes. 320 Meadow Pipit south at High Tatham 0700-0730hrs

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