Wednesday 2 September 2009

Osprey & Grey Wagtails liven things up

Heysham Obs
That rarity, an erected mist net, made its first appearance for some time, as did two Grey Wagtail which were duly colour-ringed (see right hand column)

Seen flying south along the coast & flushing everything by a car-load of visiting birders at c1230hrs (Lee Harrison et al)

Ocean Edge etc
Med Gull - adult Red Nab, & 2 juvs seen (one with 1st W head pattern) (juv Common Gull on outfalls)
Grey Plover - 313, mostly moulting adults, c1/2 mile south of Ocean Edge

HNR office area
Chiffchaff - one ringed
Grey Wagtail - 7 SE, 2 ringed (the ONLY vis!!)
Robin - one ringed

Wall Brown Middleton IE

The elusive juv Wood Sandpiper again at Conder area 0700hrs & photographed at 1230hrs (see LDBWS site). Osprey Conder 1530ish. Juvenile Marsh Harrier Caton Moor at 0720hrs this morning

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