Tuesday 1 September 2009

Quick visit to Ocean Edge

The latest, subtely changing by the minute, weather synopsis does not look very good here for seabirds with a 50% or less chance of Leach's Petrel on Friday morning (but much better in the Mersey mouth). If you have some spare time, best to cover some obscure mudflats in SW Ireland as the synopsis looks brilliant for Nearctic waders. However you will probably find yourself not alone as it is flagged up by the weather as the 'obvious thing to do', combined with a bit of seawatching (and an early Nearctic landbird?)..............or Green Darner (see Mark Break's site)

Heysham Obs
Ocean Edge/outfalls/Red Nab 1030-1100
Med Gull - juv Red Nab
Kittiwake - juv Stage 2 outfall
Knot - moulting adult
Whimbrel - 1
Redshank - 311
Ringed Plover - 62
Dunlin - 5
Wheatear - 3
No sign Grey Plover flock

Second brood White Ermine was most unusual

Anonymous text re-Wryneck on "top path at Warton Crag" received about 1430hrs. Numerous phone calls and (unanswered) text to the sender, none the wiser. Hopefully this posting will be changed very soon.

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