Monday 29 March 2010

Good fall/vis conditions at 0400hrs?

Heysham Obs
A shame the weather was not two-three hours later as it was originally forecasted to be.  The leading edge of the cloud was way to the north at dawn, as was any associated vis or grounded migrant concentrations.  Always difficult to predict rubbish or a decent morning in these conditions - the timing is critical

Ocean Edge area
Pale-bellied Brent Goose - two right out on the tideline off OE early am
Wigeon - 4 still left
Mallard - male showing really well off Red Nab (rare here)
Wheatear - just one male
Rock Pipit - one Red Nab

North wall
Twite - 62, in two groups with a high proportion unringed (15) in smaller group, all but two of the c40 in the larger group ringed, including 8 adults bearing spring 2008 or winter 2008/9 rings
Linnet - 5
Purple Sandpiper - one showing for a short time early am, later alongside the jetty
Guillemot - 2 offshore at 1115hrs
Red-throated Diver - 3 in spot check at c0830hrs

Meadow Pipit - 46 NE, v few after the rain started
alba Wagtail - 6 NE
Redpoll agg - 1 NE
Goldfinch - 4 NE
Chiffchaff - unringed bird caught

First Shoulder Stripe of the year

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