Tuesday 30 March 2010

Gathering twite

Heysham Obs
The Black-tailed Godwit seen earlier this year was ringed as a chick on 16/07/2008 at Knappsstadir, Fljot, SW of Siglufjordur, N Iceland.  No info. received on any interim sightings (apart from Cockersands around the same time) [perKane Brides].  Just visited Pete Woodruffs site and it was seen YESTERDAY in a large spring tide roost on Conder Pool - apparently there definitely aren't any sightings between being ringed and being seen in this area over the last few months.

One hour on the north harbour wall before the rain - 0800-0900
Twite - 81, increase seemed to be of adults, with at least 14 with spring 2008/winter 2008/9 rings, c15 unringed, but spooked by departing ferry before full check
Linnet - 5
Meadow Pipit - 55NE
Goldfinch - 2 NE
alba Wagtail - 2 NE
Red-breasted Merganser - 13 offshore
Great-crested Grebe - 7 offshore (one flock)
no grounded migrants

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