Sunday 14 March 2010

Game on...........

Heysham Obs
Well, it was also the case yesterday on the sea, but we didnt match Seamus's early enthusiasm (see Fleetwood birder blog off the Links).  This is where this (and Seamus's) blog starts to change from lists/accounts of standard winter target fare into the daily spring migration (or lack of it).   Therefore, for postings of birds in situ during the winter months, read postings of birds which will be miles away by the time you read this.  OK, this is old hat to most of you, but we do get target birders asking for e.g. where the previous day's (heavenly) Tree Pipit is.

North wall 0730ish to 0930
Snow Bunting - female unfortunately flushed by car, flew over the back of the mound but could not be located - lots of nooks and crannies & may have gone over to the south wall (c0830hrs).  Hopefully it will find the nyjer seed.
Gannet - 33 in, including flock of 16
Red-throated Diver - 4+12+2 in, the latter flying quite high
Kittiwake - perversely none!
Purple Sandpiper - at least one on the wooden jetty but only one showing at a time!
Twite - c45, including 27 checked for rings - 5 unringed, one Askam in Furness bird from autumn 2008 (presumably the regular yellow over split dark blue/white), one metal-ring only on the right leg and one with the 2010 pale blue over split pale green/white - the FIRST to be read in the field, indicating that these have been mainly birds in transit caught earlier this month

Ocean Edge
Meadow Pipit - 2 north
Black-headed Gull - 410 on Red Nab
Wigeon - could only see 17

Reserve/Moneyclose Lane
Blackbird - a check at about 0815-0825 revealed an obvious influx totalling c35 with 'gangs' of 6 by the traffic lights and 5 near Ocean Edge

Middleton IE (thanks Malcolm)
Webs:  9 Tufted Duck, no sign of yesterdays 3 male Pochard, 4 Mute Swan, 15 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 9 Mallard, 2 Canada Goose, 3 Goldeneye, 2 Little Grebe, 2 Snipe, 5 Teal
Raven - 2 - where are they nesting this year - doesnt appear to be on telecom tower?
Fieldfare - 1 - scarce on spring passage
Great-spotted Woodpecker - two drumming (first record of this in the obs recording area???)

An indeterminate distant view of what was probably a Harbour Porpoise and certainly a small cetacean

Great Grey Shrike Dalton Crags at least midday, 200m south of trig point, 2 ad Meds over Galgate, Tundra Bean Goose Sand Villa morning only, Redhead Smew Freemans Pool YESTERDAY.  At least 17 Whooper Swan Hornby, including S53

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