Monday 15 March 2010

Rather mundane

Heysham Obs
Good coverage of the coast, including the WeBS count, for little reward

North wall 0730-1145
Gannet - 7+6 in
Kittiwake - 20+2+3+30 in
Red-throated Diver - groups of: 3 out, 2 landing on the sea, 4 in very high & one out
Twite - 41.  Of 32 examined, 8 were ringed in winter 2008/9, 20 were ringed in autumn 2009, just two were ringed in 2010 and there were 2 unringed
Linnet - 2 with the Twite (both unringed)
Purple Sandpiper - one (with 68 Turnstone on wooden jetty)
Meadow Pipit - 2 north
plus a trickle of northbound Common Gulls

Ocean Edge
Very poor with no passerine migrants and a dog flush of the following from the uncovered remains of the saltmarsh:
Jack Snipe - one
Snipe - 3
Wigeon - 21

Ad Med by the Grosvenor groyne on the WeBS.  Great Grey Shrike Dalton Crag.  3 Cetti's Warbler Leighton Moss.

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