Tuesday 4 May 2010

The volcano synopsis returns as migrants continue to struggle through

Heysham Obs
There is a superb weather synopsis at the moment (in association with petrol costs) to encourage people not to chase around after a smattering of bog-standard early May scarcities plus a few Red-rumped Swallows where it is raining over a gravel pit and go out and do some Atlas coverage!  It is a seriously dreadful 'rare' synopsis with no obvious change ahead other than a few struggling common migrants might be grounded in tomorrows belt of mist/rain.  Just done a very detailed check of all sorts of weather sites and worth a flutter on the coldest May on record and certainly the worst for rare birds (to about 20th at least)?    The second CES visits look a bit difficult in constantly strong northerlies and National Moth Night a non-entity.  Hopefully they are all wrong.

North harbour wall 0630-0830
Arctic Tern - 46 (9+16+6+15), all rising high & heading inland to the north-east
Sandwich Tern - 44, mixture of bloggers and migrants (including birds spiralling up high)
Whimbrel - 1
Kittiwake - flock of 22 'in' high
Woodpigeon - flock of 3 headed west out to sea!
Swallow - 1

Brief sea check on the incoming tide
Whimbrel - 3 Ocean Edge foreshore
Mallard - pair Red Nab
House Sparrow - male Ocean Edge reception area

Grey Squirrel by reserve entrance.  Grey Seal offshore.

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